Saint Mary The Virgin
Saint Mary was a very pure and humble lady worthy to be called the mother of God. She was born in Nazareth, where her parents lived. Her father was named Joachim and her mother - Anna. Saint Mary entered the Holy Temple when she was 3 years old, and stayed in the sanctuary for around 11 years. After she had completed the 12 years, the priests decided to entrust her someone who would protect her. They gathered 12 righteous men from the tribe of Judah so that one of them may look after Saint Mary. They took their staffs into the sanctuary and a dove flew up and landed on the staff belonging to Joseph the carpenter who was a righteous man. Hence, Joseph took the Holy Virgin St. Mary, and she dwelt with him until Gabriel, the Angel of the Lord, came to her and announced to her that the Son of God was to be incarnated from her. We commemorate the departure of Our Lady, the all pure, Virgin St. Mary, the Mother of God on the 21st of the Coptic month of Toba. The years of her life on earth were 60 years. She was 14 years old when she left the temple. She spent 34 years in Joseph's house, until the Ascension of the Lord, and 14 years with St. John the Evangelist, according to the commandment of the Lord which he told her at the cross, "Behold, this is your son," and to St. John, "Behold, this is your mother."
The blessing of her intercession be with us all. Amen.
Saint Joseph the Carpenter
Saint Joseph is renowned as a righteous man worthy to be called the father of Christ in the flesh. Brought up in the city of Bethlehem and the town of Judea, Saint Joseph came from royal lineage. Pure evangelists- St. Luke and St. Matthew, mark this royal lineage being from the greatest king of Israel- King David. Apart from being of royal lineage, Saint Joseph worked as a carpenter (Matthew 13:55). All the days of his life were one hundred and eleven years; and the Lord Christ was present in his departure. The Coptic Church celebrates the Glorious feast of Saint Joseph on the 26th of the Coptic Month of Abib (2nd of August).
The blessing of the prayers of Saint Joseph the carpenter, the servant of the mystery of the Divine Incarnation be with us all. Amen.
“The Lord chose Joseph, with a heavenly sign, to take care of the Virgin, in his house.
A dove appeared, and rested on his rod so Zachariah the priest gave her to him.
Joseph doubted, her virginity, the angel announced to him, “O Joseph son of David.
Do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for the One whom she bears is of the Holy Spirit.”
Mary is the treasure that Joseph brought, and he found the jewel that was hidden within.
Joseph the righteous came, with Mary the Mother of Christ, fulfilling the Law for the sake of the Child the Saviour Jesus.
Mary the Virgin and Joseph and Salome, were greatly amazed with what they saw.
Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O great Saint, Abba Joseph the righteous, that He may forgive us our sins. ”